Work (W) is energy transferred to or from an object by means of force acting on the object.
                                                                W = F ∙ d
                  * dot product
Note: This is the multiplication of two vectors in which the product  is a scalar quantity.
To obtain the magnitude of work , the following formula is used:
                                                W = Fd cos θ
        W = work
          F = force
          d = displacement
         θ  = angle
       The commonly used units of work is:
                                joules (J) = 1J = 1 N-m = 1 kg m2/s2
                                calorie (cal): 1 cal = 4.18J
                                electron-volt (eV): 1eV = 1.6x 10-19 J
       Work done by a single force
1.       A box was pushed with a 10N force causing it to move by 5m to the same direction as the force. What is the work done?

2.       A 1.0kg ball was thrown upward; reaching up to a 4.50m above the point it was released. What is the work done by the gravity on the ball?

3.       A 100.0 kg crate is being pushed across the factory floor covering a distance of 24m. What is the work done by the normal force exerted by the floor on the crate?

4.       A 100.0N force is applied at an angle of 40° above the horizontal on a 5.0kg object, moving it with a displacement of 15.0m. What is the work done
Energy  - the ability to do work
Mechanical, heat, light... Etch

      Is the energy possessed by a physical object due to its motion or state.
      Kinetic Energy – is the energy an object possessed due to its motion
      Potential Energy – is the energy due to state  of the object; state could mean the position of the object or the extent it was compressed or stretched.
       Kinetic Energy
      Motion of an object
      Depends on its mass and speed
Kinds of Kinetic Energy
Vibrational – energy due to vibrational motion
   Rotational – energy due to rorational motion
   Translational – energy due to motion from one location to another.
KE  = ½ mv2
                                                KE-  Kinetic Energy
                                                m= mass
                                                 v = speed
1.       What is the kinetic energy of a 72kg man running at 3.0m/s

Potential Energy
                                is the energy due to the state of the object; state could mean the position of the object or the extent it was compressed.
2 Form
                 Gravitational Potential Energy  PEg
                Elastic Potential Energy PE

       Gravitational Potential Energy (PEg)
      Is the potential energy associated with an object due to the position of the object.
                                                Peg = mgh
                                PE = Potential Energy
                                g -  gravity
                                h - height
1.       What is the potential energy of a 5.4kg vase on the balcony 3.5m above the ground

2.       At what height above the ground should a 4.0kg bag of rice be placed to have a potential energy of 196J?

       Elastic Potential Energy
      Is the potential energy in a stretched or compressed elastic object
Hooke’s Law
                                                Fspring  = -kx
                where k = the spring constant
               x = the amount of compression
PEspring  = 1/2kx2


      Electrical Energy – energy due to the movement of electrons
      Radiant Energy – is the energy that is carried by electromagnetic waves
      Thermal Energy – or heat, is the energy that causes an increase in temperature
      Sound Energy – is the energy transmitted through substance in longitudinal waves
      Chemical Energy – is energy stored in the chemical bonds of atoms and molecules
      Nuclear Energy – is the energy stored in the nucleus of an atom. Its an energy that holds the nucleus together.
      Non-renewable energy source – are those energy sources that cannot be replenish
      Renewable Energy – those that can be replenish in a short period of time
Ex. Hydropower, solar, wind, geothermal and biomass

      The rate at which work is done
      Defines how fast work is done
                                P  = W/t
                                where P = power
                                                W = work
                                                t = time
       The SI unit for power
      1 Watt   = 1J/s
Another unit used is
1Hp = 746watts
P = W/t
                                P = Fd/t
                                P = F x d/t                           
                                P = F v
                                1 Watt = 1 N m/s

Little Nellie Newton lifts her 40kg body a distance of 0.25m in 2 sec. Find the force she exerts, the work done, and the power she delivered.

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