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-          “scientia”
-          Systematized body of knowledge base on facts
-          Discipline or field of study to provide natural explanation on natural phenomena
-          Measurable results of the laws of the physical universe

a.       Mathematics and Logic
-          Focus on proper deductive and inductive analysis
-          Analysing numerical data
-          Ex Algebra, Trigonometry, Geometry, Calculus, Statistics

b.      Natural Science
-          Study of nature or the universe
a.       Physical Science
·         Study of matter and energy and other physical entities
·         Physics, chemistry, geology and astronomy
b.      Biological Science
·         Study of living things
·         Ex. Botany, zoology and microbiology

c.       Social Science
-          Study of human minds and human interactions
·         Psychology, sociology, anthropology, economics
Overlapping branches

-          A science concerned with the study of matter and energy, how they are related to each other and their interaction in space and time.

Classical Physics- study of motion and energy

a.       Mechanics – motion of an objects and systems under the influence of forces
a.       Statics – mechanics of bodies at rest
b.      Dynamics – mechanics of bodies in motion
c.       Fluid Mechanics – deals with the motion of liquids and gases
b.      Thermodynamics – temperature and heat energy
c.       Acoustics – study of sound, its properties and how it is produced and transmitted
d.      Electrodynamics – electricity and magnetism and the relationship between them
e.      Optics – study of light
a.       Physical Optics – nature of light and physical processes involving its production, transmission and absorption
b.      Geometrical Optics – the study of how light travels and how the direction of travel is affected by different material such as mirror and lenses.

Modern Physics – the study of the basic structure of the material world
a.       Quantum Physics – based on the quantum theory , a theory stating that energy is not transmitted continuously, but in the form of individual unit called quanta
b.      Atomic Physics – study of the structure, properties and behaviour of an atom
c.       Molecular Physics – study of the structure, properties and behaviour of a molecules
d.      Nuclear Physics – examine the structure and properties of the atomic nucleus, as well as nuclear reactions and their applications.
e.      High-energy Physics – also called particle physics. It is the study of behaviour of elementary particles that make-up proton, neutron, and other subatomic particles.
f.        Solid State Physics – also called condensed matter physics. Study of physical properties of solid materials, the behaviour of electrons and nuclei in it and how they react with each other.
g.       Plasma Physics – study of properties and behaviour of highly ionized gases called plasma.

Scientific Method
                - the core of science
                -a logical and rational sequence of steps that scientists follow before arriving to conclusions about the world around them.
                - can also be used to answer practical questions related to daily living.

1.       Observation – the beginning of any scientific knowledge.
2.       Organizing Data – gathering information about the phenomenon. Information may come from the books and journals in the library, from the internet, by asking people knowledgeable about it.
3.       Formulating Hypothesis – This is where one will formulate tentative explanations. To explain the phenomenon. The explanation should be natural and based on facts.
4.       Prediction – a statement of what might happened if on tries to control the variables affecting the phenomenon.
5.       Experimentation – This is where the hypothesis is tested by controlling some of the variables affecting he phenomenon. The experiment design is based on the predictions made and the experiment should take all possible variables into considerations.
6.       Conclusion – summary of the experimental experiment and how it matches the hypothesis made. Note that the conclusion is mere a statement relating to hypothesis to the conclusion. Depending on the results, one may either reject or not reject the hypothesis.

One cannot prove a hypothesis with just one experiment. It is possible that one made a mistake somewhere along the experiment. A hypothesis that is already proven become a theory, and to become a theory, a hypothesis must be subjected to several experiments with few or several modifications from the original experiments.

Make a role play applying the scientific method using the following scenario.


1.       I went to the market to buy some goods with my friend Jane. When I went home I noticed that my wallet was gone. How can I apply the scientific method.

2.       Today I noticed that there are many ants crawling under the table. They weren’t there last night. How can I apply the scientific method

3.       I charged my cellphone overnight and when I tried to open it hte following day, it wasn’t working. How can I apply the scientific method.

Hypothesis, Law, Theory and Model

-          A tentative explanation in which explanation of the phenomenon is based on few observations without experimental proof.
-          It is an intelligent guess,
-          Scientific assumption/s with few experimental evidences
-          Used to predict the outcome of a phenomenon and shows mathematical consistencies
-          Contradicted by several other experiments
-          Not universal
-          Explanation supported by several experimental evidences
-          Flexible enough to be modified
-          Theories that stand for a very long time
-          Experimentally proven on several occasion

-          Uniform and universal


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